
I need to change the vehicle I am assigned to. How do I do this?

Lightfoot can easily be moved to a new vehicle. If you purchased your Lightfoot yourself Lightfoot is incredibly easy to move -…

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Not all my journeys are showing on the app, why is this?

There could be many different reasons for this: Ensure you are using your correct Driver ID with a live Lightfoot unit fitted….

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I don’t have vehicle tracking but it looks like I am being tracked on the app. Can you confirm?

Depending on the settings your fleet manager has opted for, it may show you beginning and end points so you can more…

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How do you disable tracking for private use?

Fleet users may have this functionality depending on which options their fleet manager has chosen. Only management level are able to switch…

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I don’t think my score reflects my driving style…

The ‘go steady’ nudges are part of everyday driving and it’s not unusual to receive a couple on your journey. The first…

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How is the weekly score worked out?

The weekly score is an average of your score over the time driving for that week. This includes your average score for…

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I’m no longer appearing on any leader boards, why?

This may occur for several reasons: 1) Your account is no longer linked to your driving data 2) You have not been…

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The app says DQ instead of showing my journey score. What does DQ mean?

DQ stands for Doesn’t Qualify. You must have driven more than 10 miles that week (Monday to Sunday) to receive your score…

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How can we see what we were given penalties for?

A Lightfoot penalty will be issued when you have been driving out of the engine’s sweet spot or in the wrong gear…

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I’ve been assigned a journey that I didn’t make, how do I get rid of it?

Please speak to your fleet manager/team. They will be able to assign the journey correctly or request that we do so for…

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